Prince Tony Ogievie


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Know more about Prince Tony Eweka (Ogievie 1), The Ogievie High Temple and Recognition.


Prince Tony Eweka (Ogievie 1) was born in the third quarter of the twentieth century in the acclaimed City of Bronze(Benin). He is of royal lineage. He is married with children.

He grew up in the city and did his schooling therein. Very early in life the ancestors had chosen him as a source of succour and a vessel of hope, good tidings, prosperity, longitivity and more to humanity. At that tender age he found doing things in line with the spiritual very convenient and elevating.

He became the first point of call by people who desire to be blessed with some form of life enriching situations, good health, prosperity, long life, blessings of the womb, healing etc.

Soon he became an active participant in the annual Igue Festival, a traditional festival that’s associated with the custom of the Benin Kingdom which His Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba N’Edo, Uku Akpolokpolo, superintends.

His performances in the Benin Palace during this festival soon catch the eye of the public and made him the talk-of-the-town. Prince Ogievie 1 does his yearly festival in his Olokun temple situated in Evbotubu Quarters of Benin City where a sizeable number of his devotees participate and get solutions to their problems ranging from acquisition of power, political office, political appointments, healing, blessings etc.

The main attraction of his Festival is the mystery pond situated in his temple where spiritual items spring forth which include soap, olive oil, necklace, chaplet, letters etc.

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Ogievie High Temple History

I started this journey in 2008. While I was working with Bendel Insurance in 2005 as a staff, the Oba then was my father, I was very close to him, my first salary as a Staff of Bendel Insurance, I went to the palace and gave it to the Oba he looked at me and said its your money my son but I told him my father is your money he the kept quiet for about 10 mins before call the Omada to collect the money.

After some time he gave me back the money and blessed me, I stood up and the Oba called the secretary to tell me to wait, after an hour the secretary came to me and said the Oba wrote something on a piece of paper with a pen and said they should give me a land.

After one week they gave me the land including the survey. After that they then showed me the land. I went back to the palace to thank the Oba.

In 2006, I started with my first building and moved into the building 2007 after some months I started experiencing some spiritual things.

There is a place where water started coming out from the ground I went to the Oba to tell him.

Before then, I already told him I wanted to travel out of this country because my cousin already sent me an invitation, but the Oba said I should go and serve all the deities that followed me to this world and forget about traveling.

I didn’t even know what he was saying as at then and I was crying…

So after building I saw a place water was coming out from inside my house I told the Oba, he then told the secretary to give me some money after that I left.

After two weeks I started hearing sound of drum and trumpet like people where in my compound having festival I came out and did not see any body but I noticed there was lot of water coming out from that same place where water came out before.

I then rushed to the palace to tell the Oba what is happening, he still told me that I should go and do what I was born to do.

That place that water was coming out from that was where Ogievie came out from and the queen mother. I then build it and named it Ogivie Temple.

My first activity was in 2008, I called everyone and did my festival the Oba sent some chief from the palace to grace the occasion.

In 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 I went to the palace to go and perform for the Oba.

In 2016, inside the hall water just bust out from the hall making it 2 places. from there so many thing started happening where the water was coming out it started bring things like olive oil, rosery, letters, rings, soap, past kings etc.

The name Ogievie was a name given to me by the god’s..

In 2016 a letter came of from the pond with a casting and it was written Prince Ogivie that was how the name Ogievie came about, few days later another latter was sent and it stated that this place will be called Ogievie High Temple,

I have all the letters with me.

Ogie-ive means a king that wears a bead.. the king of the bead.

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